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Support with Writing

At Wherwell Primary School we are always looking for the best ways to support our children. Alongside all the work they do at school, parents can also play an important role in their children's education. With this in mind, we will be including in this section news, links and any other information we think you might find useful when supporting your child at home with writing.

Day-to-Day Activities

Make sure your child sees you writing
Your child will learn about writing by watching you write. Talk with them about your writing so that they begin to understand why writing is important and the many ways it can be used.

Encourage your child to write, even if he/she's scribbling
Give your child opportunities to practise writing by helping her sign birthday cards, write stories, and make lists.

As your child gets older, write together
Have your child help you with the writing you do, including writing letters, shopping lists, and messages.

Suggest note-taking
Encourage your child to take notes on trips or outings, and to describe what he/she saw. This could include a description of nature walks, a boat ride, a car trip, or other events that lend themselves to note-taking.

Encourage copying
If your child likes a particular song, suggest that she/he learn the words by writing them down. Also encourage copying favourite poems or quotations from books and plays.

Encourage your child to read her stories out loud
As your child gets older, ask him/her to share his/her stories with you. Listen carefully without interrupting, and give positive feedback about their ideas and their writing!

Hang a family message board in the kitchen
Offer to write notes there for your child. Be sure that she/he finds notes left there for her/him.

Help your child write letters and emails to relatives and friends
These may include thank you notes or just a special note to say hello. Be sure to send your child a letter or card once in a while too, so that he/she is reminded of how special it is to get a letter in the mail. Consider finding a pen pal for your child.

Encourage keeping a journal
This is excellent writing practice as well as a good outlet for venting feelings. Encourage your child to write about things that happen at home and school, about people he/she likes or dislikes and why, and about things he/she wants to remember and do. If your child wants to share the journal with you, read the entries and discuss them together.